Privacy Terms

Read our privacy policy

If you are looking for support for Cancellation or Refund of courses.

Complíance TheMembers

We have gathered here our compliance terms for the TheMembers platform.

TheMembers is a white-label platform for infoproducers and for this reason:

1. We are not responsible for our customers' sales, delivery quality and/or support.

2. We do not have access to our customers' purchases.

3. We cannot offer any information about our customers.

The LGPD allows us to use this information only when we are legally required to do so.

What can you do:

1. Look for the payment gateway you used to make the purchase. You should have received an email from them as soon as you made the payment.

2. Look for support on the sales website for the course you purchased.

3. Seek support on social media from the expert who teaches the course content.

4. If you don't succeed in any of the above. Contact your credit card company.

Use License Agreement

The purpose of this contract is to establish the rules for the service supply relationship and use of the member platform - TheMembers - owned by the company ETERNO TECNOLOGIA, SERVIÇOS E PAGAMENTOS LTDA, a legal entity governed by private law, registered with the CNPJ/MP under number 41.160. 388/0001-75 herein described as contracted. The contracting party will be the user who signed the license to use the TheMembers platform.


1. Use Limitations

1.1 - The contracting of the use license gives access to an instance of the platform and its functionalities.

1.2 - There is no limitation on the number of modules and classes that can be made available and there are no limits on the number of students.

2. Features

2.1 - The services and features made available through TheMembers are provided as they are ("as is"), it is not the contractor's duty to adapt new features for its contractors.

2.2 - The contracted party reserves the right to make changes to the characteristics or functionalities of the platform, as well as to suspend or discontinue them at any time, at its sole discretion, undertaking, in the event of discontinuation, to inform its contracting parties at least 3 days in advance through a statement on the platform's home page or by some means of communication.

3. Integrations

3.1 - The contractor is not responsible for any damage arising from the integrations made to its platform, since there is no control over the quality and availability of third-party services, in addition to the control and configuration of the same being carried out freely by the contractor.

4. Information security

4.1 - The contractor undertakes to keep all information of its contractors and other various information from its operation safely in its database, in accordance with our Privacy Policy.

4.2 - The contractor is not responsible for any damage arising from acts of piracy that may occur due to the leak of the contents registered by its contractors, as well as others specified in our Terms of Use.

5. Support

6. Service Availability

6.1 - The contractor does not guarantee 100% availability of the services provided and is not responsible for any damage arising from their instability, since there are several variables external to its operation that are not controlled by it.

6.2 - Any lack of availability of the services provided by the contractor will be communicated to all its contracting parties as soon as they become aware of the occurrence.

7. Validity

7.1 - The commercial relationship between the contractor and its contractors does not have loyalty or minimum contract time.

7.2 - The contractor reserves the right to readjust the amounts charged in its plans annually by the IPC index - General Group. In order to restore its economic and financial balance, in case of lack of this index, the readjustment of the plans will be based on the average variation of the current year's inflation indexes.

8. Remuneration

8.1 - The contracting party undertakes to remunerate the contracted party for the license to use its platform in accordance with the terms described in this instrument, understood as follows:

8.1.1 - The expiration date will always be 30 days after the contracting date;

8.2 - Payment will always be made automatically through the credit card registered on the contractor's platform.

9. Termination

9.1 - Termination motivated by the contracting party may be carried out at any time.

9.1.1 - If termination is requested within a period of up to 7 days after the end of the free period (trial), this will entitle the contractor to a full refund of the amount paid when contracting the platform as provided for in the Consumer Protection Code for contracting services over the internet, within 30 days after the request and confirmation by the contracted party.

9.1.2 - Refunds will not be accepted if termination is requested after the 7 days of warranty after the end of the free trial period.

9.2 - Termination motivated by the contractor can be carried out at any time if the contractor violates any of the rules set out in the Terms of Use of the platform, otherwise, it must be given 30 days prior notice, through a communication via email registered by the contractor.

9.3 - The contractor reserves the right to suspend access to its platform without prior notice if the contractor's remuneration duty is not fulfilled and it is overdue for more than 15 days.

9.3.1 - If the contracting party chooses to cancel the services, the provision of the data described in the following clause, 9.4 will only be carried out after the discharge of all outstanding debts.

9.4 - In case of termination by any party, the contractor is not responsible for the migration of the contractor's information to another platform, only the provision of all data stored and listed in the Privacy Policy following the rules established by the General Data Protection Law Personal, Law No. 13,709/2018.

10. Assignment of use of image

10.1 - The contracting party hereby expresses its full consent and authorization for the use of the image and voice on a universal basis and also the content and images produced in the customization and construction of its platform for the purpose of publicizing the contracted party during the duration of this instrument .

10.1.2 - The use of the image and voice referred to in the previous item must mandatorily be related to the purposes of publicizing the contracted party's platform, being expressly forbidden to use it in any context other than that determined herein;

10.1.3 - The aforementioned use may be internal or external to the contracting party's addresses and may only be in virtual format (internet, website, facebook, instagram, e-mail, whatsapp and similar), in photo format and/or video and/or audio; publicity in general.

10.1.4 - This assignment is granted free of charge, and the contractor is not entitled to any benefit and/or remuneration arising from this act, with which he agrees and consents;

10.2 - Once this instrument is terminated, the effects of the assignment will be immediately interrupted, except for the possibility of an eventual link resulting from the indexing of search engines.

10.3 - Once all the clauses of the assignment of the use of image have been fulfilled, the parties waive any moral, material and lost profit indemnification rights of one against the other, whatever the title, especially the content of this term.

11. About future and previous negotiations

11.1 - This instrument represents the final will of the parties, prevailing in relation to any and all negotiations, adjustments or previous documents/contracts, which are in disagreement with the provisions hereby signed.

11.2 - If there is any change to the clauses of this instrument, it will be the contractor's duty to communicate these changes to the contracting parties and they must accept the new clauses for the maintenance of the same or opt for its termination.

Terms of use

TheMembers is a member platform owned by the company ETERNO TECNOLOGIA, SERVIÇOS E PAGAMENTOS LTDA, a legal entity governed by private law, registered with the CNPJ/MP under No. Users consume and share information in video format. The user will be able to interact with the pre-selected contents or others that he may acquire during its use.

Welcome to TheMembers!

To access, use or register an account with TheMembers,

you must be a natural person at least 13 years old.

1. User registration

Persons between the ages of 13 and 18 must be authorized by their parents or guardians to use the platform, provided that completing the registration and accepting these Terms assumes that this authorization has been granted regularly. TheMembers will cancel underage users, at the request of parents or guardians, but this will not generate the right to any compensation or reimbursement due to the subscription products or services acquired by the user during the term of his registration. By accepting these terms, you declare that you agree with this clause and are aware that, once any violation is verified, your account will be canceled immediately, without prejudice to other measures provided for in these Terms or TheMembers Policies.

The User agrees to:

  1. Provide true, accurate, current and complete information when registering on the platform.
  2. Store and update your information to keep it true, accurate, current and complete;
  3. Be held responsible for any false, incorrect, out-of-date or incomplete information you provide. If TheMembers has sufficient reason to suspect the veracity, accuracy and/or illegality of such information, it will have the right to suspend or cancel, immediately and without notification, the user's access to the application.

TheMembers undertakes to use the registration information provided by the user exclusively in the manner and within the limits indicated in the Privacy Policy.

Users are prohibited from assigning, selling, renting or transferring their registration in any other way. The maintenance of more than one profile per user will also not be allowed, or the creation of new profiles by users whose original registrations have been canceled due to violations of the Terms of Use.

The user will be responsible for all acts performed through the platform, including for acts that third parties perform on their behalf.

2. Responsibilities

TheMembers user agrees to:

(I) Use the application only for the permitted purposes, undertaking also not to violate any laws, regulations or customs accepted in Brazil.

(II) Use the application with common sense, considering the comments you make and the videos you submit;

(III) NOT violate the rights of third parties, especially image, voice, honor, privacy, copyright and personality;

(IV) NOT publish threatening, false or fraudulent content, nor use vulgar language, insults, speeches

hateful, racist, discriminatory, homophobic or that may propagate intolerance or religious fanaticism;

(V) DO NOT publish videos with scenes of nudity or sexual acts or that contain any type of violence;

(VI) NOT publish and disseminate content that is illegal, obscene, defamatory, threatening, intimidating, harassing, hateful, offensive in racial or ethnic terms, or instigates or encourages conduct that is illegal or inappropriate, including incitement to crimes, violent or otherwise;

(VII) NOT violate or attempt to violate any TheMembers security measures, or take advantage of any

inconsistency of the system to gain advantage or cause harm to TheMembers and/or third parties.

Users who practice any of the acts described above may be punished with a warning, suspension or cancellation of their registration at TheMembers, without prejudice to taking the appropriate legal actions.

TheMembers, users or any harmed third parties may take appropriate legal action as a result of the crimes or misdemeanors committed, or even seek compensation for civil damages for non-compliance with the Terms of Use, without this entailing any right to compensation on the part of TheMembers to the activated user.

3. Subscription services and content sales

Contractors of TheMembers may make exclusive content available to their users in their respective member areas by means of a single or recurring payment.

The user must be aware that when purchasing any product or service to which he was redirected through TheMembers platform, he must agree and respect all the rules and conditions set forth by that third party.

TheMembers, has no responsibility for data provided or charges made to end users of its contractors by third parties.

4. TheMembers is not responsible for:

(I) for any damage to any user or third party caused by the misuse or otherwise of the platform, including, but not limited to, moral damages caused by offense to honor, privacy or image and voice;

(II) for the veracity of the comments or video information included on the platform by users;

(III) for any damage, injury or loss to the user's equipment caused by failures in the system, server or internet resulting from conduct by third parties;

(IV) for damages arising from malware attacks and/or any type of harmful and malicious program code or software to the user's equipment as a result of accessing, using or browsing TheMembers or as a result of the transfer of data, files, images , texts or audio;

(V) for damages incurred as a result of losses resulting from technical difficulties, failures in our systems, including their protection, security, non-interruption, delays and imperfections, as well as problems with the internet;

(VI) for errors in the dissemination of content with the use of tools contained and/or related to TheMembers, which may make it difficult to access and/or subscribe to certain content;

(VII) contents included in TheMembers will only remain available for dissemination if they are in accordance with these Terms of Use. TheMembers reserves the right to remove any CONTENT that does not comply with its rules and policies;

(VIII) The services and functionality made available through TheMembers are provided "as is", without express or implied warranties, including, but not limited to, warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, propriety, non-infringement and protection against computer viruses or other harmful code;

(IX) We do not warrant that the information provided by us is accurate, complete or useful;

(X) We are not responsible for controlling how or when our users use our services or the features, services and interfaces provided by those services;

(XI) We are not responsible and do not undertake to control the actions or information (including content) of our users or third parties that may be disclosed and/or made available on TheMembers. Thus, you, user, release TheMembers, its subsidiaries, affiliates and directors, officers, employees, partners and representatives from claims, demands, causes of action, controversies or conflicts and indemnities, known or not, related to the use of the TheMembers and/or the content eventually existing in the application.

TheMembers reserves the right to remove, at its discretion, but not being obliged to, any content it deems inappropriate, without the need to notify the user, emphasizing, from now on, that TheMembers does not carry out editorial control of the content. posted by users of the application, not being responsible for it in any way;

TheMembers is not responsible for the uninterrupted availability of the platform and the user acknowledges that due to operational issues, the platform is subject to possible interruption problems, technical failure and temporary unavailability of operation, without such operational issues giving rise to any right to indemnity to any time, constituting a case of force majeure, excluding responsibility.

In case of request for information about users, TheMembers undertakes only and only to provide the information it has and that has been voluntarily provided by the user. Our Privacy Policy and Cookie Policy clarify all questions in this regard.

5. Copyright, Intellectual property and Image and voice rights

The commercial use of TheMembers expression as a brand, corporate name or domain name, as well as the use of illustrations, layout and all the content of TheMembers screens, as well as programs, databases, networks, files that allow the use of the tool by users are for the exclusive use of TheMembers and its administrators and are protected by laws and international treaties on copyright, trademarks, patents, models and industrial designs.

When making any comment or uploading a video on TheMembers platform, the user declares that he is the author of the material or that he has the author's express authorization to publish such material in the application, respecting all intellectual property rights and those resulting from the protection of trademarks , as well as all rights relating to third parties that may be, or were, in some way, available on the portal. Simple access to the application does not grant the user any right to use the names, titles, words, phrases, brands, patents, literary, artistic, literary-musical works, images, among others, that are, or were, available in it.

Reproduction of the content described above is prohibited, unless prior written authorization from TheMembers.

TheMembers respects everyone's intellectual property rights and strives to help everyone protect their rights. If TheMembers is notified of an infringement of intellectual property, it may, but is not obliged to, remove the infringing content,

TheMembers also reserves the right to block the access of any user who violates the intellectual property rights of third parties or violates other rights of third parties, guaranteed by Brazilian legislation and international treaties.

To inform us of a violation of intellectual property rights, please contact us via email:

6. Offenses to personality rights: slander, injury or defamation

If anyone understands that any user comment or video posted on TheMembers violates their personality rights, such as honor, image, voice, name, privacy, they may send a complaint to TheMembers via email: contato@themembers

TheMembers may, but is not obliged to, remove the denounced content, informing the Notifier and communicating the action to the user, under the terms of current legislation.

7. Platform Disclaimer

If anyone understands that any user comment or video posted on TheMembers violates their personality rights, such as honor, image, voice, name, privacy, they may send a complaint to TheMembers via email: contato@themembers

TheMembers may, but is not obliged to, remove the denounced content, informing the Notifier and communicating the action to the user, under the terms of current legislation.

8. Redirection

Users acknowledge that TheMembers platform may contain links to other sites on the network, which does not mean that these sites are owned or operated by TheMembers.

TheMembers is not responsible for the materials, information or content published on third-party sites, nor for the availability of these sites, it is up to the user to use their own discernment, precaution and common sense when accessing third-party sites, and must check the privacy policies and terms applicable terms of use.

9. Modifications to the Terms of Use

TheMembers reserves the right to change the Terms of Use at any time, without prior notice, being certain that the simple use of the application after any change implies agreement with them.

10. Platform changes and termination

TheMembers reserves the right to promote changes in the characteristics or functionalities of the platform, as well as to suspend or discontinue it at any time, at its sole discretion, committing itself, in case of discontinuation, to inform the user with at least at least 10 days in advance through a statement on the platform's homepage.

11. Applicable law

These terms of use were created on 09/06/2021 and are governed solely and exclusively by Brazilian laws and international treaties, and any lawsuit arising from their interpretation or application must be judged by the Brazilian Judiciary.

In case of conflict of state or municipal laws, for the interpretation of any doubt or litigation, the legislation of the State of São Paulo shall always prevail.

The forum chosen for the resolution of eventual conflicts is that of the city of Santos, excluding any other, however privileged it may be. The Terms of Use present the "General Conditions" applicable to the use of TheMembers, whose management and exclusive use rights in Brazil are owned by ETERNO TECNOLOGIA, SERVIÇOS E PAGAMENTOS LTDA., registered with CNPJ under nº 41.160.388/0001-75

Cookie Policy

Ferramentas de coleta automática de dados

In addition to being concerned with preserving your privacy, TheMembers values the transparency of its activities, always seeking to make it clear to you, the USER, how the platform, accessible through its web version through your browser (browser), works.

Thus, when accepting TheMembers Terms of Use and Privacy Policy, you must know and agree with our Cookies Policy and automatic data collection tools, which aims to clarify how such tools work, their purpose, as well as the forms of activation and deactivation.

Therefore, we strongly recommend that you carefully read the Cookies Policy and automatic data collection tools before using TheMembers platform

Finally, we emphasize that although it is an option for the User to allow or not the use of cookies and other data collection tools, the User's refusal regarding the application of cookies and automatic data collection tools will make the provision of services by TheMembers unfeasible. fully and adequately.

What are Cookies and Data Collection Tools?

Before getting into the merits of why and for what we use Cookies and other similar technologies, we think it's important to clarify what these tools are.

In short, cookies are a small data file (generally encrypted text files) that websites ask the user's browser to store, whether on the computer or mobile devices (cell phones, tablets, etc.).

The main purpose of cookies is to allow the user's browser to "remember" their actions and/or preferences over time, making it possible for websites that apply cookies to provide faster, more efficient and customized services to users, eliminating the need to repeatedly enter the same information.

Thus, cookies are used, among other purposes, to identify Users, store and remember preferences customized by the User, help Users to complete tasks without having to re-enter information when browsing from one website to another or when visiting the application again. .

Other data collection tools, similar to Cookies, are also employed by TheMembers, through analytical and tracking information in order to collect user data and their behavior, to enable the functioning of the web application.

We emphasize, however, that we do not collect information and data from Users that are not necessary to allow the full and adequate functioning of the application and provision of the services explained in the Terms of Use.

In addition, the treatment and use of information and data collected from Users must always respect the Privacy Policy, so it is essential that the User carefully reads all defined policies.

It is worth remembering that, although most browsers accept cookies, users can always configure their browser to deny the application of cookies, being able to delete them whenever they want.

What type of Cookies do we use?

Basically, there are two groups of cookies that can be used:


These are cookies that are stored at the browser level on your access devices (PC, mobile and tablet) and that are used whenever you make a new visit to one of our websites. They are generally used to direct navigation to the user's interests, allowing us to provide a more personalized service.


These are temporary cookies that remain in your browser's cookie file until you leave the website. The information obtained by these cookies is used to analyze web traffic patterns, allowing us to identify problems and provide a better browsing experience.


Cookie category that allows TheMembers web application to remember information that changes the way the website behaves or is displayed, such as the preferred language or the region the user is in. The main purpose of this type of cookie is to improve the user experience when using TheMembers.


Cookie category used to verify the user's identity, seeking to prevent the fraudulent use of login credentials and to protect user data from unauthorized third parties.


Cookie category that aims to allow website and web application owners to understand and analyze how visitors use and interact with their websites, products and services, through the collection of information and statistics on the use of website reports. Therefore, it is not necessary to personally identify users.


Cookie category that, by storing files on the devices of visitors to our users' websites (producers), records clicks on links, advertisements and commercial transactions, such as sales and leads.

Said cookie does not collect personal identification data from visitors, but only when and on which device a click on a particular link occurred, this being the only information recorded.


Cookie category used to adapt advertising to the profile of the impacted user, improving their experience and seeking to provide greater effectiveness for advertisers.


Cookie category used with the aim of improving the functioning of TheMembers platform in order for users to find the expected services and information.

Cookie Categories

All browsers (browsers such as Google Chrome, Internet Explorer, Firefox, Edge, etc.) allow the user, when visiting/accessing a website, to accept, refuse or delete cookies, namely by selecting the appropriate settings in the respective browser. You can configure cookies in the "options" or "preferences" menu of your browser.

We emphasize, however, that by disabling cookies, partially or completely, the TheMembers web application will be unable to provide the services offered or may result in the improper functioning of its web application.

How to manage Cookies in your Browser

If you are interested in further information about cookies, how to manage, delete and even how to view which cookies have been set on your device and

Where to find more information

TheMembers reserves the right, at any time, to change this Cookies Policy by updating its content according to the needs of technological improvement or its functionalities.

When there is a change in the Cookies Policy, TheMembers will notify its users through the web application itself and/or registered e-mail and will request the manifestation of their agreement with the changed Policy.

If you continue to use the tools offered by TheMembers after communicating the change to the Cookies Policy, this will mean and will be considered your unequivocal consent and irrevocable and irreversible acceptance of all terms and conditions contained in the changed Policy.

Changes to this Cookie Policy

If any point of this Policy is not clear, doubts have arisen or you want to make any request regarding cookies and personal data eventually processed by TheMembers, please contact us by e-mail:

Did you have questions? Contact us

General Law for the Protection of Personal Data, Law No. 13.709/2018

Privacy Policy - LGPD

This Policy integrates the Terms of Use of TheMembers Platform. You must carefully and carefully read the following conditions, as they contain important information about the privacy and protection of your data. The processing of personal data is a condition for using TheMembers Platform. It is not possible to offer the functionalities of the Platform without having access to this data. This Policy and its respective updates shall prevail over all policies, proposals, contracts, previous understandings and agreements, oral or written, that may exist between the parties dealing, directly or indirectly, with the subject of privacy.


(I) The solutions contained in TheMembers Platform (simply "TheMembers") are provided by ETERNO TECNOLOGIA, SERVIÇOS E PAGAMENTOS LTDA. legal entity governed by private law, registered with the CNPJ/MF under number 41.160.388/0001-75, headquartered in Alphaville Industrial, Barueri/SP.

(II) This Privacy Policy ("Policy") aims to establish the rules on (a) how and for what purposes personal data is processed by TheMembers when you use our platform; (b) with whom this data may be shared; and (c) how Users can manage their data.

(III) We remind you that it is not possible to offer TheMembers functionalities without having access to this personal data. That is, the processing of personal data is a condition for using TheMembers.

(IV) TheMembers reserves the right, at any time, to change this Policy by updating its content according to the needs of technological improvement or its functionalities.

(V) When there is a change in this Policy, TheMembers will communicate its Users, alternatively, by publication in a prominent area in TheMembers, by e-mail or by any other way that allows communication to you. Likewise, you should check the updated version of this Policy every time you visit TheMembers.

(VI) If you agree with the new terms of the Policy, you must stop using TheMembers.

(VII) The official language of this Policy is Portuguese. Any other language version is a translation provided as a courtesy. In case of conflict of interpretation, the Portuguese version shall prevail for the personal data processed by TheMembers.

1.General information

1.1. Types of Users

TheMembers is aimed at the following types of users:

1.1.1. Contractor:

Anyone who hires TheMembers to deliver their content and build their membership platform.

1.1.2. User:

Any person who accesses TheMembers through registration through means that the Contractor chooses to integrate and/or activate on the platform.

1.2. Sharing with third parties

Through this Policy, we want to give you transparency of what personal data about you we handle at TheMembers. We remind you that some of your personal data is shared with third parties, for the effective functionality of TheMembers.

2. Data for children under 13 years old

2.1. Data processing of minors

We do not knowingly collect or solicit personal data from anyone under the age of 13. If we become aware that we have collected personal data from a minor under the age of 13, we will cancel the account created on the Platform and delete the personal data, only being able to keep personal data that is intended to prevent a new attempt to register. Adolescents between 13 and 18 years old who are users of TheMembers will have their personal data processed in accordance with this policy.

3. Personal data processed

3.1. provision of data

To use TheMembers, you will have to register, and for that, some types of personal data must be provided by you. Among other activities, we collect personal data to enable TheMembers to function:

3.1.1. Registration data:

It is the information requested from the User to have an access account at TheMembers and that allows the identification of the User, such as: (a) Full name; (b) Email; (c) Password; (d) Cell phone;

3.1.2. Profile Data:

It is the information that the User provides to TheMembers, through TheMembers after creating their registration to complement their profile, such as: (a) Address; (b) Profile photo;

3.1.3. Activity Data:

We collect information related to your use of TheMembers, such as: (a) Frequency of Use of TheMembers; (b) Information about the User's browser, in case of use on the Web; (d) Product Usage Data; (f) User connection data.

3.1.4. Support Data:

(a) Name; (b) Email; (c) Subject; (d) Application department; You may, at your discretion, submit to support other types of documents, information and/or data ("Supplementary Documents"). TheMembers may also request additional documents that will assist in the service.

4. Purposes of data collection and processing

Registration data:

  • Carry out the registration;
  • Perform User identification with TheMembers;
  • Enable User access to TheMembers through authentication;
  • Make contact with the User, when necessary;
  • Send announcements;
  • Perform support services;
  • Adapt the structure of events according to the special needs of each category of User;

Profile data:

  • Personalize the User experience;
  • Shipping of a physical product by the Contracting Party;

Activity data:

  • Improve the User experience at TheMembers;
  • Improving TheMembers constantly;
  • Archive purchase history;
  • Archive access history;
  • Archive subscription data of terms of use defined by Contractors;
  • Navigation and usage analysis for Platform optimization;

Support data:

  • Carry out User support activities in order to meet the requested demands;Registration verification;
  • Content verification;
  • User identity verification; It is
  • Update the Contracting Party's registration on the Platform.

5. Cookies

5.1. Use of "Cookies"

When you access TheMembers, we may use "Cookies" to recognize the User's profile and personalize their experience on our Platform, as well as the services and other content available on the Platform.

5.2. What are "Cookies"

"Cookies" are small text files transferred to the User's device that help to identify a User.

5.3. Functionality of "Cookies"

Certain functionality is only available through the use of Cookies. If the User disables or refuses this function, the use of TheMembers may be limited or impossible.

5.4. "Cookies" Policy

For more detailed information on how personal data is collected, use of cookies and similar tools, please visit our Cookie Policy​

6. Public information

6.1. Access to Comments and Questions

Comments and questions asked on TheMembers are public and can be accessed by any User, as well as responses to comments from other Users.

6.2. Responsibility for Information

Remember that information you share via TheMembers will be accessible to any User. Be careful what you reveal publicly, especially sensitive personal data.

7. Exclusion of Personal Data

7.1. Retention Period:

All personal data processed as provided in this Policy will be kept by TheMembers for as long as necessary for the respective purposes. We may also retain information as required by law or regulation or for the regular exercise of rights, or in circumstances where there is a legitimate purpose of TheMembers or a third party.

7.2. Exclusion Requests

You may delete your account with TheMembers at any time by accessing the means of support that the Contractor makes available to its Users, being ineffective the use of any other means to achieve this objective. In that case, we may retain information as required by law or regulation or for the regular exercise of rights, or in circumstances where there is a legitimate purpose of TheMembers or a third party.

8. Data Sharing

Shared Data

With whom?


Registration data
Profile Data
Activity Data
Support Data


Availability of TheMembers functionalities;
Delivery of content and others;
Content enhancement;
User support;

Registration data
Profile Data
Activity Data

Judicial authorities
or governmental
or third parties with
who we are
required by law,
regulatory norm
or court order

For fulfillment of requests
made by judicial authorities or
government, as provided
in applicable law or regulation; It is
To comply with laws or regulatory standards.

Registration data
Profile Data
Activity Data
Support Data

Service Providers

Allow the development of activities
by TheMembers;
Enable the improvement of services and
TheMembers operations, such as, for example,
but not limited to: backup services
data protection, fraud prevention services,
email service providers and
databases, among others;
Enable support service;
For processing and storage
of personal data; It is
For sending communications.

9. Rights in relation to your Personal Data

9.1. Rights and Warranties

The User has rights and guarantees in relation to his personal data. We provide mechanisms, detailed below, so that Users have clarity and transparency in the exercise of their rights. Whenever necessary, our team will be ready to evaluate any requests.

9.2. Rights provided for in the LGPD

Pursuant to the General Data Protection Law (Law 13.709/2018 –) ("LGPD"), you have the right to:

Confirm that we process your personal data;

Access your personal data;

Request correction of personal data that is incomplete, inaccurate or out of date;

Request the anonymization, blocking or deletion of personal data that is unnecessary, excessive or processed in breach of the provisions of the LGPD;

Request the portability of your personal data to another service or product provider, observing our commercial and industrial secrets, after regulation by the National Data Protection Authority;

Request the deletion of personal data processed based on your consent, except in the cases of conservation of personal data provided for in the LGPD;

Request information about who we share your personal data with;

Request information about the possibility of not providing your consent and the consequences;

Revoke your consent for the processing of your personal data, when processing is carried out based on your consent; It is

Express opposition to treatment that violates the LGPD.

9.3. Additional Information

Before we respond to a request to exercise the rights mentioned above, we may ask you to provide us with certain information to confirm your identity.

10. SPAM Policies

10.1. Positioning

We are against any and all practices that promote SPAM of any kind and we are committed to ensuring that messages sent by TheMembers are always of interest or importance to the respective recipients. In addition, at any time, the user may also choose to stop receiving emails from TheMembers by adjusting their preferences for receiving emails or canceling their account.

10.2. TheMembers Guidelines

In the same way, we demand from our Contractors that they do not practice SPAM, that they make sure that the messages sent are always in the interest of the recipient, being already aware that the non-observance of good Internet practices may lead to the cancellation of the account of the offending Contractor at TheMembers, as defined in the Terms of Use, as well as the disclosure of Registration and Profile Data, under the terms of this Privacy Policy.

11. Information Security

11.1. How we protect your data

The data collected by TheMembers will be stored in secure databases, within the best practices, with access restricted only to employees with the proper credentials, who are obliged to maintain the confidentiality of the information and not use it inappropriately.

12. Information and Questions

12.2. Questions about the Policy or Your Personal Data

If, after reading this Policy, you have any questions or wish to submit a request regarding your personal data, you can contact our privacy team or our Supervisor via this email:


The expressions contained in the DEFINITIONS item of the Terms of Use are used in this Privacy Policy with the same meaning.

Whenever the expressions below are used in capital letters in this Privacy Policy, they will have the meaning contained in the legislation in force, reproduced below for ready reference:

Registration Data - affiliation, address (including email address), and personal qualification, understood as name, first name, marital status and profession of the user.

Personal Data – data related to the natural person. This is all data that can be used directly or indirectly to identify a person, for example: name, photos, email, bank details, medical information, geolocation, telephone numbers, posts on social networks, IP address, etc.

Processing of Personal Data - any operation carried out with personal data, such as those referring to the collection, production, reception, classification, use, access, reproduction, transmission, distribution, processing, archiving, storage, elimination, evaluation or control of information, modification, communication, transfer, diffusion or extraction.

1. Collection of Personal Data and Information

First, it is important that you know and expressly agree with the possibility for TheMembers to automatically collect, receive and store Personal Data and information on its servers about the activities arising from the application or the users' browser, including geolocation, IP addresses, cookies, or other identifying character sequences, and also information about transactions carried out through the platform.

In addition, it is worth remembering that, in order to take advantage of the tools offered by TheMembers, you must register and, to do so, inform a user identifier of your choice and the cell phone number, to which the access password will be sent.

You are aware that it is your responsibility to provide true, accurate, current and complete information when registering to access TheMembers. We remind you that the indication of incomplete or false data is a crime typified by law and can lead to severe punishments for those who provide it.

2. Control of Registration Data by Users

Each user has control over the Registration Data contained in the profile created at TheMembers, being able to access and change them using their login and password.

We remind you that the login and password are individual and known only by the user himself, who must ensure the secrecy of this data. TheMembers is not responsible for how this data is used by the User. Users will be able to update their registration data with TheMembers through the platform.

3. Collection and Use of Personal Data and Information Collected.

The Personal and Registration Data collected, as well as any other information collected, may be used for the purposes of our team's communication with you, from sending notifications about your activity with TheMembers tools, as well as system alerts and notifications.

In addition, the Personal and Registration Data collected, as well as any other information and access records to TheMembers tools, may be stored, treated, processed and used by us for the following purposes:

enable the provision of services offered by TheMembers in an effective and efficient manner, allowing its operation in an agile and secure manner;

assist, whenever necessary and appropriate, that the various Users, whether producers or consumers of content, communicate with each other, especially in cases of possible disputes related to the quality of the CONTENT, delay in delivery of the CONTENT, Copyright and Intellectual Property ;

carry out analyzes and studies related to the behavior, interest and demographics of Users, in order to understand their demands and needs, in order to provide more adequate, efficient and interesting services, improving the usability experience of TheMembers tools;

improve our commercial and marketing strategies in order to improve the services offered;

send Users, through messages, information regarding products, services, advertising, promotions, banners and news from TheMembers;

At any time, you may request that you be excluded from the lists for sending promotional or advertising messages.

For more detailed information on data collection and use of cookies and similar tools, please visit our Cookie Policy.

4. Storage and Protection of Personal Data collected.

All personal data of users obtained when browsing, registering with TheMembers, using the Platform, or at any other time of contact/communication between the user and the Platform, will be stored in our database for a minimum period of 06 (six) months or for a longer period, as long as defined by court and/or administrative order, under the terms of the legislation in force, or for legitimate purposes of developing and offering services to users.

The Personal Data reported to TheMembers or otherwise collected by TheMembers will be stored in secure databases, with access restricted only to employees with the proper credentials, who are obliged to maintain the confidentiality of the information and not use it inappropriately.

TheMembers may store and process the Personal Data collected and other information collected on a server located in Brazil or abroad.

5. Disclosure to third parties of the Registration and Personal Data collected.

You agree that, in an attempt to prevent illegal activities, in cases of suspected fraud, disputes, complaints about the CONTENT or any indication of an offense committed by Users, including the dissemination of SPAM and situations involving potential threats to someone's physical safety, the Personal and Registration Data of the Users involved may be provided to those affected. In certain cases, if deemed necessary, TheMembers may provide the collected data to bodies and entities that intervene in the investigation or resolution of disputes between Users or between Users and third parties, such as: insurers, arbitration courts, and other competent administrative bodies.

You also agree that TheMembers may share the Personal and Registration Data collected with TheMembers' outsourced service providers, in order to allow the development of their respective activities and enable the improvement of TheMembers' services and operations, such as, for example, but but not limited to: data backup services, fraud prevention services, email and database service providers, issuing invoices, among others. In this case, TheMembers demands that all service providers with which it shares the Personal Data of users, include in their contracts provisions that guarantee due protection, secrecy and confidentiality in the processing of data.

You further agree that, in any corporate transaction involving the restructuring of the business group of which TheMembers is a part, as well as the acquisition and/or sale of shares and assets, the Personal Data collected may be considered one of the commercial assets to be be transferred. In these cases, TheMembers may transfer the Users' Personal and Registration Data if it is acquired by, or if there is a merger with another company(ies).

Excluding the hypotheses mentioned in this Privacy Policy, the Personal and Registration Data collected directly by TheMembers, as well as TheMembers access logs (IP address, date, time and time zone) and data referring to transactions carried out through TheMembers, may only be disclosed to third parties in the following cases:

at the request or by specific authorization of the user,

pursuant to a court order.


We are against any and all practices that promote SPAM of any kind and we are committed to ensuring that messages sent by TheMembers are always of interest or importance to the respective recipients. In addition, at any time, the user may also choose to stop receiving emails from TheMembers by adjusting their preferences for receiving emails or canceling their account, as mentioned above.

In the same way, we demand from our users that they do not practice SPAM, that they make sure that the messages sent are always of interest to the recipient, being already aware that the non-observance of the good practices of the Internet could lead to the cancellation of the offending user account on TheMembers, and as defined in the Terms of Use, as well as the disclosure of registration data, under the terms of this Privacy Policy.

7. Changes to this Privacy Policy

TheMembers reserves the right, at any time, to change this Privacy Policy by updating its content according to the needs of technological improvement or its functionalities.

When there is a change in the Privacy Policy, TheMembers will notify its users by email or in a publication in a prominent area on the Platform and will request the manifestation of their agreement with the amended Privacy Policy.

If you continue to use the tools offered by TheMembers after communicating the change to the Privacy Policy, this will mean and will be considered your unequivocal consent and irrevocable and irreversible acceptance of all terms and conditions contained in the amended Privacy Policy.

For clarifications and more information about this Privacy Policy, please contact us by e-mail:

5.1 - Platform support will be provided via email and/or WhatsApp - Monday to Friday from 9 am to 5 pm.
Assistance for handling the platform technology;
Platform errors of any kind;

5.3 - The contractor is not responsible for:
Provide support for students of contractors;
Register and configure courses on our platform or any other for contractors;
Manage the content of the contractors' registered courses;

TheMembers 2021 © Todos os direitos reservados.